Welcome to The Power of Purpose – A POTENT one day highly effective course that will alter, expand and ignite your mindset and internal motivation.
The time is Now to redefine what matters most to you
So that you can play full out and leverage life on an even greater scale
The Power of Purpose Workshop will enable you to:
- Be in Alignment with Clarity of who you are
- Sit with Certainty
- Align with your Vision
- Evolve your Mindset to Overcome Challenges
- Create Inspired Action
- Increase your Intellectual Capacity
- Open your Heart to an Evolved Future
- Build your future with Courage & Resilience
- Free you to live Authentically
What you will Learn, Discover & Achieve in this Workshop
Understand your unique Values and Intrinsic Driving Force
Understand what you value the most.
Laura will guide you through a value determination that will reveal what is truly most important to you and why. You will understand why you do what you do and what drives you.
What are the benefits of the Value Determination?
- You will understand what is truly valuable to you
- You will gain insights as to the reasons behind your decisions
- Why certain conversations inspire or challenge you
- Why certain areas of your life are in order and others in disorder
- Why you spend more time, energy and money on the things that you do
- Why you have the interests that you do
- Why you daydream and visualize the goals you do
- Where your leadership potential resides
- You will understand and appreciate what is truly valuable to others
- You will be able to see another’s viewpoint
- You will feel an increase in engagement and a decrease in judgement
What are the benefits of Knowing Your Values?
- Achieve goals by learning to set them aligned to your values
- Be inspired to do even the most boring of your day to day activities
- Be inspired and focused no matter what perceived challenges come your way
- Know yourself and what is truly inspiring to you
- Empower any area of your life you currently believe as disempowered
- Change your reality by changing your values
- How to define your Purpose
- How to increase your focus and drive
Knowing your hierarchy of values is definitely the key to the doorway of a more inspired life.
A Statement that will lead to:
- Inspired Action
- Heart Open Connection to your authentic self
- Self-Worth and belief
A Statement that will be:
- Your guiding light
- Your Identity
- Your Compass
Clear the Road Blocks
Identify and clear what is stopping you from living your Purpose.
Eliminate FEAR and GUILT that is holding you back from the life of your dreams.
When you truly put YOU first, you become a better partner, husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, friend, colleague…
- Remove judgement towards others and allow them to be themselves
- Stand in your own truth and allow others to do the same.
- Let go of all the “SHOULDS”.
- When you truly honour yourself and your primary purpose in life, then you are able to truly honour others.
Turn Procrastination into inspired action
Tools to Link, Delegate or Dump!
Associative Activation Process to create natural internal motivation to do the essential tasks that you are procrastinating.
EXTERNAL Motivation is needed to get you to do something that you just DON”T want to do!
Internal motivation is when you are intrinsically inspired to take action – you do things because you have a strong desire to do so.
Learn how to become INTRINSICALLY MOTIVATED! Identify what to Do, Delegate and what to Dump.
You will receive the “my life plan” template…
My Life Plan articulated and documented. Begin the journey of having a clearly defined life plan and future. Template with instructions and guide.
Know your WHY! Map your life. Write clear intentions. Tapping into purpose gives you a compass – without it you are rudderless. Goals that are not aligned with what you truly value are but a mere fantasy and will never be achieved! This template helps you write doable, believable and realistic goals that you can and will achieve.
“If you do not take the Steering Wheel of YOUR LIFE in your own hands, you will be but the Passenger in someone else’s life”
Meet Laura
Laura has been presenting her signature Breakthrough programs around Australia and internationally, specialising in human behaviour and integrating The Demartini Method® with her results driven transformational strategies to assist clients to gain a new perspective for intelligent living and to be inspired by life, by teaching them to overcome their challenges, obtain self-governance, and activate their true potential. In recent years, Laura has focused on delivering her services online and in person at Edenderry Retreat on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia
“When you meet Laura you’ll know she is a walk-your-talk woman of substance. Not only does she keep herself congruent to her teachings, she keeps herself accountable to her intentions, goals and actions – and she will keep you accountable to yours!”
Laura is a Master Certified Demartini Method® Facilitator (one of only a select few in the world) and is a Licensed Demartini Values® Facilitator.

This is a live in-person workshop presented at Edenderry Retreat, at Maroochy River on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. It is limited to 6 people.
Workshop Only: $497 PP
Includes: Lunch, Snacks, Tea, Coffee, Filtered Rain Water & printed Manual
Or Stay and Play
Includes: 2 nights accommodation, all meals and snacks plus printed Manual.
Price: $997 PP or $1694 per cuddle buddy
Edenderry Retreat ~ A space for personal interaction, reflection and transformation
Welcome to Laura’s Private Sanctuary – Edenderry Retreat – overlooking the stunning Maroochy River with views across the valley to the ocean on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia. Nestled on the foothills of the mystical Mount Ninderry, this botanical oasis is a garden of Eden and the perfect environment to give yourself the space to think, BE and evolve.